Pinnacle of Bonding
[Incoming Transmission: accept or deny]
A man strolls over to a computer console to inspect a computer. “Transmission? I was not expecting one until next week,” he says, “What does the government supply company want to contact us so early for? Has something developed?”
The man tacked upon the computer catalog board.
[Name and rank, please]
“Jace Meeda, Captain.”
[Access granted. Transmission information: from the High Parliament of Targone. URGENT, as of this morning at 10:05 a.m, the Inter-Galactic Federation of Genevar has declared war on our mighty nation. In the days prior to this event, they had entered our territory without authorization and slowly antagonized our trade routes until finally committing to a full declaration of war. In the following hours since, Lord Cygone (blessed be to the great leader) has organized all of our national forces.
Each force from the mightiest of corps to the smallest of squads has specific missions. Captain Jace A. Meeda, you lead a squad of well trained star pilots, your squad of starfighters has a mission attached below]
[Attachment: accept or deny.]
“I cannot believe this… War? I knew we were not friendly with Genevar, but war… I joined the Royal Air Force to defend my country, but I never thought I would actually live to see the day where conflict broke out,” Captain Jace told himself. “Accept.”
[Mission Information: take your squadron from your posted planet of Slagstaff and rendezvous with the royal fleet orbiting the moon of Reach at 15:00 hours. Once arrival is completed, you shall receive a battle strategy. Transmission completed.]
Captain Jace stood from his seat and thought for a brief moment, then full comprehension of what transpired previously dawned on him. He pressed an emergency procedure button that called for all soldiers to their stations.
“Aroo-aroo-aroo!” went the alarm.
Six members of the Captain’s squad came sprinting in from all directions.
“First Lieutenant Tera Wess reporting for duty,” said a woman. She was tall with a long ponytail of brunette hair.
“Staff Sargent Lex Said reporting for duty!” shouted an enthusiastic man. He was thinner with crimson skin and jet black wavy hair.
“Private Patricia Indo reporting for duty,” a younger girl piped up. She had short black hair and was smaller in height.
“Private Elizabeth Parteemer reporting for duty,” bellowed another woman. She had wavy brunette hair with freckles dotting her face.
“Private Adelaide Seebuckthorn reporting for duty,” stated the last woman. She had a worn face with curly blonde hair.
“…And Private Jozef Longhorner front and center Capn’,” a bored looking boy droned. He was clearly younger than the rest with striking blue hair and an obvious lack of discipline.
Captain Jace looked unamused by his presence. The squad had formed an attentive line in front of the Captain, except Jozef who decided to lean against a wall.
Tera broke the silence first by saying, “Captain, is this another surprise drill to keep us on our toes? Because I’d like to point out how we were all prepared and Joz—“
“No-no that is not it, you did well, but unfortunately this is not a drill,” responded the Captain. “And I will not even ask why you have blue hair Jozef.”
“It’s the team colors, you know, Blue Squadron?” Jozef said in a matter of fact tone. The Captain ignored him and proceeded to brief his squad on the latest events.
“We’ll be leaving this dump? Excellent!” Patricia said fervently.
The others muttered to each other quietly. Tera was the first to bring it to an end.
“So, what’s our next step, Captain?” asked Tera.
“Prep the fighters for launch, we will have to leave this base under the care and watch of the local militia, and gear up,” said Captain Jace.
Tera took on the second in command duty by assigning crew members to carry out the Captain’s orders.
The crew dispersed with their orders while Tera stayed behind.
Captain Jace said, “I shall inform the High Command that we have received our orders and are on the move.” He turned around to face Tera.
“Sir, I know it’s been awhile since our last big assignment, but I think we’re ready,” Tera interjected. She was almost attempting to persuade the captain’s spirits to rise.
“Are we though, really? I do not think so sometimes, but I guess we will have to see.”
The captain stroked his hair, his nerves began to rise at the idea of his squad being placed out on the field.
“It’s been a year since the last assignment, I know we failed, but that can happen to any leader. We were in the wrong place at the wrong time, don’t fret Captain. I joined this squad to bring honor to my family, and to also prove something to my father. You’re the only one that knows that I’m the first female in our family to join the armed forces.”
“I am well aware of that, cousin.”
“Well, I’ll go and make sure everything is running smoothly.”
Tera turned around to walk away, but before she exited the room she said, “Thanks for supporting me all this time, Jace, you’ve always believed in me.”
The whole crew was running around the hanger now. Their sleek silver ships all lay side-by-side against a wall.
They were 45 feet in length with a slate blue stripe running down the middle with slate blue colored insignias from their nation. These starfighters had two wings on each side extending outward perpendicular to the main frame of the ship, they were all 30 feet long.
The cockpit was a cylindrical shape that extended from a rectangular frame, half of its top was created out of dura’glass strong enough to deflect any average pistol blast. Three cylinder shaped engines extended from its rear, the center engine was twice as large as the two side engines. The Captain had two blue stripes instead of one on top his fighter representing his rank. Twin beam blasters rested on each front wing of all the ships.
[All pilots to their stations] rang out the computer’s voice.
The crew assembled each their own gear placing on their slate blue pilot’s uniforms. The top glass half of their crafts extended upward, the crew all began climbing ladders into their ships. The roar of engines filled the hanger. Little droid mechanics came to life pulling away the ladders to vacate the way for their takeoff.
[Preparation completed, all pilots prepare for take off in 5-4-3-2-1]
The door to the hanger receded upward across from the fighters.
The Captain led first, he was on the far left of the group, then he was followed from left to right. The squad emerged into the sky and exited the atmosphere.
“All members are present and accounted for. Now, stick close to me and follow orders, we need to work together in order to survive. We all have our coordinates, plug them in now,” Captain Jace said.
“Copy that blue leader,” the squad collectively responded.
“On my signal we jump into hyperspace. In three-two-one,” Captain Jace said, he pressed a gleaming lever forward which jumped his vehicle into the swirling space ahead.
The squad exited hyperspace.
“The moon of Reach, and there’s our Royal Navy,” Tera pointed out.
“Alright crew, let us make contact,” Captain Jace said. “Royal Navy of Targone this is Captain Jace Meeda with Blue Squadron reporting for duty, do you copy me?”
“We read you Captain Meeda, patching you through to the commander now,” said a gruff voice.
“This is General Needa Gask, good to have you Captain,” said the calmed voice of their General, “you have your assignment being sent to you now, you are joined with twelve other squadrons, good luck.”
*Krzz…* sounded the end of the transmission.
“Our assignment is: we are to form the extreme right flank in front of our cruisers and to lie in between the smaller frigates. We need to target enemy bombers, for if we do not we jeopardize the larger vessels within the fleet that do not have capabilities to shoot down such fast targets. The enemy bombers are equipped with shield piercing shells and can cripple and devastate the fleet,” Captain Jace echoed out for his crew to hear.
They flew across the front of their nation’s fleet in order to arrive at their post.
“Why are we targeting sluggish bombers when we could be leading a strike force against the enemy cruisers?” Jozef inquired, “I didn’t join up to be playing tag with those turtles.”
“For you see private, there are far better squadrons than ourselves and they will lead the task force against the enemy fighters,” the Captain responded. “Besides, I know that you signed up for the excitement and adventure within space, so I personally contacted the general to make sure we all received the ‘boring assignment,'” the Captain continually jested.
“Heeeyyy, don’t mock me.”
Jozef was always ambitious, even as a boy. Being handsome never helped with his humility either.
Patricia was gazing off to her left. She had a squirming sensation within her stomach, she always received that before something traumatic happened, exactly like the night before her father died when she was but a small child. She spoke up next by saying, “Uh, guys, I have a bad feeling about thi—“
“What was that!?” shouted Elizabeth.
“It’s the enemy, they’re spilling out of hyperspace. It’s a surprise attack! Captain, orders?” Tera called out incredulously.
“Tighten up formation, we’re going to have to fight our way over to the right flank,” called out the Captain.
The crew turned course slightly left. Their fleet’s cruisers moved forward towards the rushing enemy. The squad became sandwiched quickly by both forces.
“Incoming enemy fighters, loosen formation and follow me,” Captain Jace ordered.
“Roger Blue Leader,” collectively called out the squad.
Zip-dow-swish! Sung the blazing hot energy beams flying in their direction.
“Engage!” Captain Jace ordered.
The squad dispersed around the incoming fighters. They took down three bogies in the first clash, but the remaining enemy fighters spun around with such speed that it caught them off guard. They closely resembled black versions of a wingless bug on their capital planet.
Elizabeth’s fighter was hit and split in half, the vacuum of space deteriorated what flames formed in her vessel with extreme ease.
Came noises from Staff Sargent Lex’s rear wing.
“I’m hit!” Lex called out.
“Covering you now,” Tera said, her ship spiraled as she propelled forward exchanging energy beams with the enemy. She blasted her engines, zipping through and knocking out two fighters.
“Lex, divert power towards the shields for a moment, it will put out the flames on the inside of your wing. For the most, I think you can manage though,” Captain Jace said. “Squad form up, we lost Elizabeth, but we need to stay focused and continue onwards.”
The squad reformed and headed out. A Royal Targone frigate took the full brunt force of an enemy volley right in front of the squad, it descended towards the nearby moon experiencing the might of the gravitational pull. A group of enemy fighters dashed on the squad’s left flank.
Shoom-shoom, tink-Kapow!
Energy beams ricocheted across the Captain’s ship wearing down his shields until his primary engine was hit. Adelaide’s ship took damage next.
“Shields down! I need assistance,” Adelaide called out.
Patricia cut power to her engines and came to a halt, she activated her rear wings which receded downwards, but were still parallel to her top wings. Those rear wings activated a salvo of five missiles per rear wing, she released them all eradicating the group of attackers.
“Too late!-“ cried Adelaide, the last thing she saw was a spare enemy missile meet its target and annihilated her ship.
“No!” shouted Patricia.
“Come on squad, hold together now, wait… what’s that?” the Captain asked, one of their own ships ahead ascended exposing an enemy dreadnought in the distance. “Form up crew, we are targeting that enemy dreadnought.”
“But what about the mission?” Tera asked.
“The mission changed, it changed when the enemy suddenly attacked before we could form in our properly assigned position. Let us make a difference this battle,” Captain Jace finished. He tinkered at his controls diverting power to his now crippled engines.
The squad reformed with two missing spots among their ranks. They rushed straight for the vessel dodging energy beams that flew through the sky.
“There-look, they have missile salvos right next to a hanger door, that is our ticket in,” the Captain said.
“What do you mean?” Jozef asked.
“I see. Their particle shields are lowered when they fire, so all we have to do is fire our missiles right next to it and the shields won’t deflect them,” Tera said.
“That’s suicide!” Lex protested.
“It is worth a shot,” Captain Jace responded. “Now, engage!”
The team released their missiles in unison at one target.
Some were caught by the adjacent shields, but a majority met their target. The squad flew into the breach they made in the enemy hull. Inner defensive turrets came alive and immediately started to hammer the squad. They flew down a hanger bay dodging shots.
“Evasive maneuvers!” cried the Captain.
The squad’s shields diminished as they absorbed the projectiles.
A turret struck Lex’s ship, he spiraled out of control into a turret and was soon engulfed by flames. No one had noticed an emergency repair shield that began engulfing the gap they had blown through.
“It is too dangerous, pull back!” Captain Jace ordered.
The squad all one-by-one began zipping out of the hanger, only half remained now. One of Captain Jace’s secondary engines was hit by a lone turret.
“My shields are out, I will not make it,” Captain Jace called out.
“Come on, you have to, we’re counting on you,” Tera’s voice rang.
“You will have to leave without me. I will finish the mission, I will not let it fail, not like the last mission,” he said. Then he reversed his vessel finishing with, “The only way is to sacrifice myself and crash into the main reactor causing an implosion.”
The Captain forwarded what power he had left to his shields to defend himself against incoming blasts.
“You are in charge now, Tera, I am doing this for our country, let me pass with a warrior’s death,” he said.
She sighed out deeply. Flying out of the tightening gap she said solemnly, “It was an honor serving you, may we see each other in another life.”
The Captain flew with all haste straight towards the main reactor. Blasts tore off two of his wings, his shields were all but devastated. At this point, the flames exiting his ship were more likely contributing force to his descent than his engines were. By time he collided with the reactor, his ship was all but its own projectile. The enemy dreadnought slowly collapsed in on itself. With the enemy flagship gone, all the remaining enemy forces broke and fled as quickly as possible.
“That was amazing. Tera, where’s the Captain?” Jozef asked.
“He stayed behind and completed the mission,” Tera “He was a hero and kept this squad a team, now its time for us to return and honor our fallen comrades.”
The three squad members, numbed by the recent loss of their captain, returned to dock into a friendly cruiser, battered and weary. Ready and awaiting their next mission with their newly appointed Captain, Tera Wess.