

Translucent Blue


A man draws his feet over a grassy surface

He combs through it unaware of his destination,

The journey grows harder and he slows down


He leans on a grooved cliff losing sensation and growing stiff.

Snow flakes start to fall clinging to his lips

His skin turns to paper, his hands become as cold as bone

His lips slowly transformed blue while the groove secured his hips

Arms outstretch slightly almost in a plea

The fatigue let’s a silent sigh slip.

Eyes fade away in a glazed haze

This grove will be his lonely tattered throne

King of isolation, he will remain here for the end of his days.


Until a benevolence comes to warm the ice from his heart, 

He stays, cold and numb from the pain of disappointment

Turned away by risk, the snow fall is brisk, it preserves his current situation

Pessimism is engraved over the plaque of his soul, it runs throughout every vein

Perhaps one day not, but now, nature stakes its claim and he will remain–forevermore.

  • This poem embodies the mentality of a person disappointed by their love life. Driven away from the thought of love by the enduring pain from past relationships, he gives up on love and puts any possibility of relationships on hold with a sliver of hope that the right person will come along one day to pull him out of his pessimist view of love.
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